Waterfall Approach

The waterfall approach is a key feature of Waterfall-Fetch that ensures reliable and efficient HTML retrieval. This page explains how the waterfall method works and its benefits.

How It Works

  1. Start with the Fastest: The waterfall method begins with the quickest and most cost-effective strategy to fetch the HTML of your target URL.

  2. Graceful Fallback: If the initial attempt fails, Waterfall-Fetch automatically moves to the next strategy in the set.

  3. Escalation: The process continues, moving through increasingly robust methods until successful retrieval or all strategies are exhausted.

Benefits of the Waterfall Approach

  1. Optimized Performance: By starting with faster methods, most requests are completed quickly.

  2. Increased Reliability: Multiple fallback options ensure a higher success rate for HTML retrieval.

  3. Cost-Effective: Using more expensive methods (like Puppeteer) only when necessary helps manage resources efficiently.

  4. Flexibility: The approach adapts to different types of websites, from simple static pages to complex, JavaScript-heavy applications.

Strategy Progression

Here’s how the waterfall typically progresses in the default “cheap” set:

  1. Axios: Fast and lightweight, suitable for most static websites.
  2. Node-fetch: A good alternative if Axios encounters issues.
  3. Puppeteer: Used as a last resort for complex, dynamic websites.

For JavaScript-heavy sites, the “js” set is used, which prioritizes Puppeteer:

  1. Puppeteer (with stealth mode): Handles complex, dynamic content effectively.
  2. Axios: Fallback for simpler content if Puppeteer fails.
  3. Node-fetch: Final attempt if both previous methods fail.

Customizing the Waterfall

You can customize the waterfall approach by creating your own strategy sets. This allows you to tailor the fetching process to your specific needs. Learn more in the Custom Strategies section.

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