Evaluation Functions

Evaluation functions in Waterfall-Fetch allow you to execute custom JavaScript code in the context of the fetched web page when using the Puppeteer strategy.

What are Evaluation Functions?

An evaluation function is a user-defined function that takes a page object as its parameter. This page object represents the current state of the web page being interacted with, allowing you to execute JavaScript within the context of that page.


type OnPageEvaluationFunction = (page: Page) => Promise<any>;


You can pass an evaluation function as part of the options object when calling getHtml:

import getHtml from "waterfall-fetch";

const url = "https://example.com";

const options = {
	set: "js",
	evalFunction: async (page) => {
		return await page.evaluate(() => {
			// This code runs in the context of the browser
			return {
				title: document.title,
				metaDescription: document.querySelector('meta[name="description"]')?.content,

const { html, evaluation_result } = await getHtml(url, options);

console.log(evaluation_result); // { title: '...', metaDescription: '...' }

Use Cases

Evaluation functions are particularly useful for:

  1. Extracting specific data from the page
  2. Interacting with the page (e.g., clicking buttons, filling forms)
  3. Waiting for dynamic content to load
  4. Bypassing client-side rendering issues

Example: Infinite Scroll

Here’s an example of using an evaluation function to handle infinite scroll:

const options = {
	set: "js",
	evalFunction: async (page) => {
		return await page.evaluate(async () => {
			const items = [];
			while (items.length < 100) {
				window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);
				await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
			return items.slice(0, 100).map((item) => item.textContent);

const { evaluation_result } = await getHtml("https://infinite-scroll-example.com", options);
console.log(evaluation_result); // Array of 100 items

By leveraging evaluation functions, you can extend Waterfall-Fetch’s capabilities to handle complex scraping scenarios and extract precisely the data you need.